Mr. Kamrowski

"Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children." –Sitting Bull


Must-Knows For Choosing The Right Classroom Technology Tools

Using technology can make your class awesome. It can engage your students in the lessons and make ordinary tasks more interesting. However, you should be careful. If you use too much technology or for the wrong reasons, it will backfire.

Every teacher will have a better experience with technology by knowing what tools to use and when to use them. Continue reading


5 Reasons to Use an LMS

Recently, I spoke with a fellow teacher about some of the functionality of the on-line learning management system (LMS) Schoology.  He is an elementary teacher and I am currently teaching middle school.  At a certain moment in our conversation, he paused and said “At some point, you have to ask yourself if this is necessary.”  I believe he was pondering at what grade level an LMS would and would not be useful.  I’ve in turn, asked myself why I use an LMS.  These are my reasons:

  1. To be paperless
  2. Always available
  3. Analytics
  4. Foster independent, self-directed learning and a safe digital space
  5. Communication, Communication, Communication

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